Writer and activist Dorothy Day paved the way for a movement that exists to this day--one built on solidarity with the disenfranchised and downtrodden.
Day's incredible vision for society finds a keen ally in Colin Miller, the author of the powerhouse new book, We Are Only Saved Together: Living the Revolutionary Vision of Dorothy Day and the Catholic Worker Movement.
An antidote to the isolation, materialism, and coarseness that all too often characterize our culture, the Catholic Worker Movement springs from the notion that we can all learn a great deal from one another, and that we should extend hospitality to the unhoused and marginalized within our midst.
Miller does an incredible job of portraying what a life lived for others is truly like--both the sacrifices and the successes. As a reader, I found myself yearning for the kind of community that Miller discovered amidst both those thrust into poverty and those who have chosen voluntary poverty.
I found myself cheering for the assorted characters that have peopled Miller's world. It is amazing how the street wise can demonstrate Biblical principles that can be elusive to those at the upper levels of our society.
We Are Only Saved Together offers the promise and possibility of a life well-lived. Within its pages rests a true wisdom that can benefit all those seeking the Kingdom of Christ.