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Sex and the Spiritual Life

Sex and the Spiritual Life has a provocative title, and its contents are equally captivating. Edited by Patricia Cooney Hathaway, this powerful work explores the intriguing connection between sexuality and spirituality.

The book weaves together the real-life testimonials of people of various vocations: married, single, ordained, and those consecrated to the religious life. Each offers a unique and persuasive perspective on the integration of sexuality within the whole of one's life.

In a chapter entitled, "The Joyful Dance of Sexual Connection," married couple Timothy and Karen Hogan write of developing a holy passion by following the words of Pope Francis in his seminal work Amoris Laetitia: "God himself created sexuality, which is a marvelous gift to his creatures."

The book is true to Catholic teaching that sexual relations be reserved for marriage. It explains this teaching in a winsome way which parallels God's plan for humanity.

As Hathaway notes:

"A Christian spirituality, then, should affirm the presence of God and the sacred in our sexual feelings and expressions. It should view sexuality as an avenue of God's grace and see sexuality not as an enemy but as a friend."

At a time when hook-up culture has distorted the meaning of sexuality, this book is a welcomed gift to our troubled world.

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