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Seriously, God?

Seriously, God? by Michael White and Tom Corcoran is just the right book for the "doubting Thomas" times in which we live.

The authors deftly answer the doubts people often voice about God and His goodness in the midst of tragedy, trauma, and heartache.

Numerous Biblical stories illuminate the idea that, despite the difficulties we experience in life, God loves us and truly wants what is best for us.

White and Corcoran also offer words of consolation for those who may feel angry at God because of the trials and tribulations of life:

"When questions and confusion, frustration and anger arise about where God is and what he's doing, we have nothing to fear. We don't have to run from those thoughts and emotions. We can lean into them. God is big enough to handle all that."

White and Corcoran deal wisely with what has been called "the problem of evil" as it relates to the all-loving and all-powerful nature of God. In reading Seriously, God? we can grow in not only our knowledge of Him, but in our personal relationship with Him.

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