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Our Lady of Hot Messes


The brilliance begins with the title: Our Lady of Hot Messes: Getting Real with God in Dive Bars and Confessionals. If that doesn't pique your interest, I don't know what will!

I have to admit, I raced through this book like a pilgrim heading to the Promised Land. I so wanted to learn what kind of hot messes author Leticia Ochoa Adams had to deal with, and how she managed to find holiness where adult beverages are consumed.

Adams does not disappoint. Her candor and transparency are truly refreshing. Hers is not an Ivory Tower Catholicism, but one that meets people where they are--even if that happens to be on a barstool.

She has overcome family trauma and tragedy to become an eloquent champion of evangelization. Her persistent faith in the midst of trial is truly inspiring.

This is a book of grit and integrity, of honesty and second chances. For those of us who have encountered our share of hot messes, this work of modern-day holiness is a true treasure.

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