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Life is Winning

Life is Winning should be on every pro-life advocate's book shelf. The book, by long-time Susan B. Anthony List leader Marjorie Dannelfelser, is a behind-the-scenes look at the lobbying and campaigning that have helped make the pro-life cause victorious.

The cover of the book notes that "the end of abortion is within reach," and Dannelfelser gives much evidence to back up that claim. The book also includes an introduction by pro-life Vice President Mike Pence and a foreword by former White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

You will be ennobled by the tireless advocacy for the preborn and their mothers highlighted by Life is Winning. You will also be empowered to do whatever is within your legal means to overthrow the corrupt Roe v. Wade regime and restore legal rights to preborn Americans.

The book also provides ample evidence for the contention that President Donald J. Trump is the most pro-life President in our nation's history. In executive decision after executive decision, President Trump has remembered the plight of preborn children and acted in accord with protecting them.

Life is Winning is one of those books you are likely to turn to again and again as a comprehensive pro-life resource. Bravo to Marjorie Dannelfelser and the Susan B. Anthony List for all they are doing to protect the lives of the most innocent among us.

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