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A Helpful Guide to Advent

For me, Advent is the liturgical season that seems to slip away. I may be excited and enthusiastic at the commencement of this time of expectation, but a few weeks in, I want to hurry up and visit Christmasland.

Esteemed author Lisa Hendey knows the struggles and pitfalls of the weeks before Christ's Birth. She has responded to them with a helpful guide called 5-Minute Prayers Around the Advent Wreath.

The booklet is appropriate for both individual and group prayer. As Hendey states, "If you live alone, perhaps you can gather with friends or family remotely, each lighting their own wreath or candles as you join for common prayer. Or perhaps your prayer and reflection might include journaling. If you live with other adults, adjust your reflection and conversation as best suits the needs of your household.

"If you are blessed with children in your home, involve them in whatever ways work for you."

The impact of just five minutes around the Advent wreath can have long-lasting effects.

As Hendey points out, "With a few minutes of daily silence, scripture, prayer, private reflection or shared conversation, and maybe just a bit of singing, I hope you find and grow to cherish a place of quiet refuge around your Advent wreath."

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